All friendships have an origin story, this is ours...
In '89/90 when Volcom's co-founder, Richard Woolcott met Stone Gossard and Jeff Ament when he was making the Kelly Slater film 'Black & White' and wanted to license the Mother Love Bone song Capricorn Sister for the soundtrack.
Then in 1992, just the second year into Volcom's existance - when getting a Volcom Stone sticker meant getting one cut out by hand, likely from Wooly himself - Volcom was set to build a ramp to skate at 'Drop In The Park' a day long outdoor concert organized by Pearl Jam at Gas Works Park in Seattle on May 23rd. The concert was canceled last minute by the city, but the Volcom team, already on their way to Seattle weren't going to let this setback stop them from throwing an event of their own that weekend. With the help of a local group of Seattle skaters and Eddie and Pearl Jam and their friends, the day that affectionately became known as 'Day In The Dirt', was cemented forever in Volcom lore.