As the sun started to settle above the river, Dead Elvis & his one man grave entered the stage to heat up the dancefloor and make sure the average beverage consumption didn’t slow down.
It eventually led to skate session on the multipurpose Stone ramp in front of the stage, that was so fired up that even backflips from the boat were not enough to cool down afterwards…
Then Mooon from Netherlands kept the spirits high with some of their iconic surf and booze anthems just right before SUCK from Kassel, Germany came about to make the crowd loose the last bits of their mind with deadly riffs and their sharp punk while the sun set.
The party then moved to the second stage under the deck of the infamous Wilhelm Knipscheer boat with Iguana Death Cult ending the live music part with an insane show that made every last soul seasick – due to the moshpit obviously.
Maxcarpone shook up the dancefloor afterwards with his unique selection followed by Theo Spazzatura and Vihgdohr Bocelli.